rainbow bridge.

it’s been a while since i blogged, it’s been a busy end of the year and the holidays always make everything that much crazier, but all of that is past now and a new year has started which i’m thankful for because the end of 2017 really kicked me right in the ass out its way out the door.

i was going to write a big, long, sad post but i just don’t have it in me.. so this is just a little tribute to my fur baby of seventeen years, who decided it was time to take that walk on the rainbow bridge on decemeber 28th, 2017.  you will never, never know how much joy and love you brought into so many peoples lives, especially mine and i will never be the same without you.

until we meet again.. ♥

rainbow bridge

i don’t really have it in me to do credits and such but the hair is truth, catwa head with glam affair applier, clothes are from birdy/foxes, tat is from speakeasy, nails are empire, rings are from yummy, and the little puppers is from jian.

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